Recently I published a post about an idea of a higher-order fractal. Here I will try to present a path for EdenFractal to become one.


Obviously, higher-order fractal could be implemented as some new fractal with some new name, so why would we focus on EdenFractal becoming a higher-order fractal?

The most important reason is that in my eyes EdenFractal is already starting to perform that function:

And I’m probably forgetting something…

In other words, EdenFractal is starting to serve as a hub for sharing news and progress in different DAOs. It seems to me that EdenFractal is the most overlapping and the most central fractal. It is also a place where collaborations that produced some of these other fractals were born.

EdenFractal does not have a formal mission statement, but I think it is fair to say that based on contributions presented in a typical meeting, the implicit mission statement is something like “spreading fractal democracy” or “experiment with decentralized governance models”. This is a general mission to which all the other existing fractals seem to be aligned.

Potential path towards EdenFractal becoming higher-order fractal

A higher-order fractal should assign Respect to fractals / DAOs (accounts representing them) as opposed to individuals. This means that the current Respect distribution of EF is incompatible with it being a higher-order fractal. But this could be resolved in the following way.

  1. Have each fractal (except EF) signal their willingness to be participant in EF, if EF becomes a higher-order fractal;
  2. Create a poll where EdenFractal participants could vote with their Respect on fractals which signalled approval in the first step;
  3. Create a new fractal called EdenFractal 2 (version 2 of EdenFractal or EF2);
  4. Create an initial Respect distribution for EF2 by each fractal receiving an amount equal to the amount of Respect votes received in the poll created in the second step;
  5. Stop current EF weekly meetings and start periodic (every 1/2/3 months?) EF2 meetings, which would work roughly in a way described in post …